Safety First: No Compromise!

After many months of delay due to inclement weather conditions, Stratford upon Avon Boat Club has finally commissioned a cohort of five ‘new’ launch drivers to their safety rota

All launch drivers at Stratford Boat Club are RYA qualified and as well as having extensive familiarisation on the Boat Club’s three safety launches, all new drivers have been on and passed the Royal Yachting Association’s Inland Waterways Helmsman course at Bisham Abbey which includes safety, helmsmanship, collision avoidance, engine checks, mooring, man overboard, rescue and enables them river to helm a vessel safely

Said Ian Wilcock, Stratford Boat Club’s Water Safety Advisor, “Stratford Boat Club takes water safety and the safety of its members and all river users very seriously. The Club’s launches are used daily for assisting with training upstream and safety on the Avon and having a pool of trained and qualified drivers is essential to maintain these rigorous standards. As well as weekend safety cover, the launches are out during the week with school outreach and essential cover for the Club’s ever expanding adaptive and weekday rowers’ squads as well as the Club’s two regattas and other events on the Avon”

Commenting further, Paul Stanton, Stratford upon Avon Boat Club’s President, said, “Putting our launch drivers through the RYA’s Inland Waterways Helmsman course is a considerable undertaking not only for the Club but also for the volunteers who give freely of their time gaining experience, going on the course and covering the launch safety rota slots. As the winter weather hopefully begins to ease, their input is especially needed and essential as summer rowing activity increases: we cannot thank them enough for their volunteering and time given!”

(Chris Dunn also passed but no shown in picture)

For media coverage, please see Stratford Herald page thirty nine and Stratford Observer online

Excellent Scratch Regatta to Finish 2023!

Stratford upon Avon Boat Club’s traditional Boxing Day Scratch regatta over 600m from the ferry to the Club grounds is always a superb attraction for the Stratford upon Avon townsfolk and visitors to the town for Christmas.

This Boxing Day Scratch Regatta was no exception as twenty four rowers together with volunteer coxes took part in the coxed fours knockout racing with the bonus of enjoying the sunshine and chance to get out on the river which recently has been hampered by high and fast river conditions.

The ‘luck of the draw’ brought together combinations of adults, juniors and novice rowers and it was also wonderful to see the previous juniors returning from university to join in the fun including athletes likely to be competing in the March 2024 University Boat Race. This year the races were followed the safety launch and the crews were given Santa’s reindeer names in keeping with the season! Starting at the ferry, the guaranteed wild steering, splashing and crabbing did not disappoint the spectators as the crews dashed towards the finish at the club but gave the organisers the occasional unwarranted cause for slight concern!

Commenting, Amanda Bowden, Women’s Masters Vice Captain who acted as finish umpire said,” Well done and thanks to all who came down to race and to those who came and supported the event. The winners of the plate competition were ‘Prancer’ with the overall winners of the valued chocolates were ‘Dancer’!”

Kjersti Rogneflaten Wolley, a member of the winning crew, reflecting on the event said, “It was great Boxing Day racing. Each round had its excitement, first with a crab and the second with a crash of oars and boats: possibly not our prettiest rowing but we went for power and persistence which won through!”

Commenting further, Paul Stanton, the Club’s President said, “Many thanks go to Dave Edwards, Masters Men’s Vice Captain for organising the event; Amanda Bowden; Ian Wilcock, Safety Officer on the launch and to Dawson Curnock, Chairman and starter for running the event. The start of 2024 is looking good and the Club looks forward to training and competing in local, regional and national head of the river races.”

For media coverage, please see Stratford Herald online and page thirty eight and also Stratford Observer online and back sports page

For more great pictures of the Boxing Day Scratch Regatta, see Kathy and Stuart Baines’ excellent selection

Onwards to 2023!

It was a bright, sunny morning, and Stratford upon Avon Boat Club were out in force with twelve athletes competing in freshly assembled crews for the annual Boxing Day Regatta. First up was Team A: Martha Usselmann, Matt Meynell, Heather Hayton, Elisabeth Edwards and cox Cameron Dalrymple-Baker vs Team B: Jack Arrowsmith, Will Dalrymple-Baker, Jackie Josbury, Amanda Bowden and cox Katie Phillips. All crews raced twice, switching their lane after the first race. A quick start saw Team A draw ahead but Team B held their own, keeping level with Team A until the final few lengths of the race where Team A pulled away to take the first win of the day. Both teams had a quick turn around and were soon back up at the start, ready to go again. Another quick start from Team A saw them claim victory once more, with Team B battling with them to the end.

Both crews were pulled in and Team A swapped out with Team C: Katie Phillips, Ruby Howells, Cameron Dalrymple-Baker, Dave Edwards, and cox Elisabeth Edwards. Team B stayed on, swapping their cox for Martha Usselmann. Crews paddled up to the start and moved off with a strong start but the slightly fresher Team C gradually pulled away from Team B to take the lead, crossing the line just ahead of Team B. Both crews turned and headed back up on opposite sides. Once again both crews had a strong start, with Team C pulling away initially but Team B keeping the pressure on them. Team C crossed the line first but their aggressive racing line caused Team B to move close to the bank to avoid contact which led to the race being considered a draw.

Finally Team A swapped in with Team B, with both crews changing their coxes to Amanda Bowden (A) and Will Dalrymple-Baker (C). Both crews headed up to the start line for the final two races of the morning. Once more, quick starts from both crews were seen and they kept level with each other for the first half of the race. A burst of pressure from Team A as the crews passed the theatre saw them move away from Team C in the final stages of the race and take victory. Both crews took a leisurely paddle back up to the start in an attempt to catch their breath and lined up once more. Both crews were quick off the mark and kept level, with Team C starting to move ahead as the crews reached the halfway mark, however a well timed call from Team A’s cox saw the boat gain speed and move away from Team C just as the crews crossed the finish line.

With four wins across the morning, Team A were declared the victors and were each awarded a Stratford Boat Club tankard. Tankards were also awarded to all who coxed, as well as one being awarded to the brilliant finish marshal, who helped signal the end of each race.

Commenting, Paul Stanton, the Club’s President said, “Many thanks go to Trevor Tiller, Zöe Edwards, Helen Smith and Ian Wilcock for marshalling and to Dave Edwards for organising the event.”

For media coverage, see Stratford Herald pages forty and thirty eight.

For more great pictures of the Boxing Day Scratch Regatta, see David Phillips’ excellent selection!AiBE8NqoVVypgg6L22bLS2AnUG6E?e=3kjYqr

Safety First: No Compromise!

After many months of delay due to Covid and other distractions, Stratford upon Avon Boat Club has finally commissioned a cohort of ten ‘new’ launch drivers to their safety rota

All launch drivers at Stratford Boat Club are RYA qualified and as well as having extensive familiarisation on the Boat Club’s four safety launches, all new drivers have been on and passed the Royal Yachting Association’s Inland Waterways Helmsman course which includes safety, helmsmanship, collision avoidance, engine checks, mooring, man overboard, rescue and enables the driver to helm a vessel safely

Said Ian Wilcock, Stratford Boat Club’s Water Advisor, “Stratford Boat Club takes water safety and the safety of its members and all river users very seriously. The Club’s launches are used daily for assisting with training upstream and safety on the Avon and having a pool of trained and qualified drivers is essential to maintain these rigorous standards. As well as weekend safety cover, the launches are out during the week with school outreach and essential cover for the Club’s ever expanding adaptive and weekday rowers’ squads as well as the Club’s two regattas and other events on the Avon”

Commenting further, Paul Stanton, Stratford upon Avon Boat Club’s President, said, “Putting our launch drivers through the RYA’s Inland Waterways Helmsman course is a considerable undertaking not only for the Club but also for the volunteers who give freely of their time gaining experience, going on the course and covering the launch safety rota slots. As the winter weather begins to set it, their input is especially needed and essential: we cannot thank them enough for their volunteering and time given”

For media coverage, see British Rowing online and also Stratford Observer online

(Note: there will be another launch volunteers’ course in March)