After many months of delay due to Covid and other distractions, Stratford upon Avon Boat Club has finally commissioned a cohort of ten ‘new’ launch drivers to their safety rota
All launch drivers at Stratford Boat Club are RYA qualified and as well as having extensive familiarisation on the Boat Club’s four safety launches, all new drivers have been on and passed the Royal Yachting Association’s Inland Waterways Helmsman course which includes safety, helmsmanship, collision avoidance, engine checks, mooring, man overboard, rescue and
enables the driver to helm a vessel safely
Said Ian Wilcock, Stratford Boat Club’s Water Advisor, “Stratford Boat Club takes water safety and the safety of its members and all river users very seriously. The Club’s launches are used daily for assisting with training upstream and safety on the Avon and having a pool of trained and qualified drivers is essential to maintain these rigorous standards. As well as weekend safety cover, the launches are out during the week with school outreach and essential cover for the Club’s ever expanding adaptive and weekday rowers’ squads as well as the Club’s two regattas and other events on the Avon”
Commenting further, Paul Stanton, Stratford upon Avon Boat Club’s President, said, “Putting our launch drivers through the RYA’s Inland Waterways Helmsman course is a considerable undertaking not only for the Club but also for the volunteers who give freely of their time gaining experience, going on the course and covering the launch safety rota slots. As the winter weather begins to set it, their input is especially needed and essential: we cannot thank them enough for their volunteering and time given”
For media coverage, see British Rowing online and also Stratford Observer online
(Note: there will be another launch volunteers’ course in March)