Hi, I am writing to thank you all for putting on the regatta last Saturday even with the weather!
I just wanted to share with you something that makes it all worthwhile.
Due to the weather effecting the timescale slightly our 2 J14 quads, one boys and one girls were due to put to the water at about the same time. As we only had one cox we quickly asked one of our rowers sisters (who is very shy and has just started to learn coxing with ourselves) to jump into the boys quad. I say asked, we didn’t really give her any time to think about it. Your stewards were really helpful in finding some weights to bring her up to the minimum requirement, and away she went.
In a really close race we managed to win by just a couple of feet. Our coach said that of all the events of the day seeing this little girl who is usually very shy, smiling from ear to ear and even doing a little victory fist pump! was by far the most memorable.
She now can’t wait to continue coxing and start to learn to row sometime later this year.
Thanks again
Justin Jackson
Cardiff & Vale Schools Rowing Academy Treasurer