Both the conditions and competition were tough so no wins but some great performances including Imogen North WJ16 1x who came 3rd of 27 and Franklin Hamilton/Harry Stirling who finished 4th in J18 2x. Esme Booth also produced a fine row to finish 6th and in the top half of the field at WJ15 1x. Special mention should go to all of our J14 entrants who produced some plucky performances in really challenging conditions with gusting headwinds making it virtually impossible at times to keep a single sculling boat moving. All our crews put in strong competitive rows including seniors Phil Marshall and Jo Wyles who decided to keep going at the finish for a scenic row up the Thames. Results below:
Division 1
J18A.2x Hamilton (0:12:56) 4th of 14
Mx.MasD.2x Wyles (0:15:57) 2nd of 3
W.J14A.4x+ Ward (0:16:17) 6th of 7
W.J15A.2X Flambert (0:17:51) 12th of 16
W.J15A.4X+ Ngombe (0:14:55) 10th of 14
W.J184x- Buckley (0:15:03) 6th of 7
Division 2
J18A.1x Lewry (0:16:36) 38th of 46
J18A.1x Hamilton (0:17:30) 42nd of 46
J18A.1x Stirling (0:18:43) 45th of 46
W.J16A.1x North (0:16:42) 3rd of 27
W.J18A.1x Holden (0:18:51) 16th of 20
W.J18A.1x Gardner (0:19:52) 19th of 20
Division 3
IM2.1x Gittus-Smith (0:15:49) 9th of 13
IM2.1x Hamilton (0:16:05) 11th of 13
IM2.1x Stirling (0:16:55) 13th of 13
J14A.1x Herring (0:20:17) 7th of 16
J14A.1x Bird (0:20:51) 8th of 16
J14A.1x Beishon (0:23:35) 10th of 16
W.J14A.1x Cherry (0:22:15) 3rd of 6
W.J15A.1x Booth (0:19:24) 6th of 13